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replica Bulb (20 lapms)

350 USD
replica Bulb (20 lapms)

Replica Bulb (20 lapms)

ULB is an energy efficient oversized light bulb designed in reaction to the phasing?out of the incandescent bulb
and the unattractive aesthetic of most CFL replacements. It is a CFL light bulb that can be used without shade. The quick start T5 dimmable bulb is unique to Tom Dixon and the standard E27 thread means that it can be used with almost any light fitting. Bulb can be used individually or as part of one of three new chandelier frames.

Design: Tom Dixon

Material: Polycarbonate, metall

Bulb: 20 x 25 watt (max) incandescent bulb (not included)

Dimensions: diam. 105 cm*55 cm

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